Sex the Discount Bin Sex has fallen out of it's coveted first place spot in Internet searches. War is now number one. Apparently people are sooo tired of sex being everywhere. What we really want is bloodshed, not girls shedding clothes. And there's hardly any coverage on television of the war, so can you blame web surfers for trying to keep up with this little publicized fighting? I must admit though that I'm kind of disappointed in sex now. Sex was king of the hill, top of the list. It didn't look like it could be beat. Then a war starts and in a week's time it loses it's hold on first place. Talk about choking. But it's probably just a fad. I'm sure sex will eventually return to glory and go back to being all we think about. Until then, go to Google and type in "scud missile" or "bunker buster" and live it up.
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