Dick (To be read like those 'Real Men of Genius' Bud Light commercials) Today, we salute you, Mr. Pulls the Emergency Brake on the Subway for No Good Reason. Chorus: //Mr. Pulls the Emergency Brake on the Subway for No Good Rea-ea-son// If not for you, we all would have gotten to work on time for once, and met up with our people for a hardy lunch. But you got into an argument with some lady over a seat and pulled the brake, screwing over everyone on that train and the ones behind it. //Screwed over everyone// Had you not been elderly, you probably would've gotten your ass beaten by every man, woman, and child in the car. Instead, we just cursed you out and gave you dirty looks to show our feelings for you at that moment. //We hope you die// Thank you, Mr. Emergency Break Puller, for once showing us that together, New Yorkers can hate anyone we feel like.
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