Fresh Rant
Being a recent college graduate, you'd think my family would just say "Nice job" and "Good going" and not worry too much about me finding a real job. But that would as ridiculous as the interview with OJ that'll be on tonight. The feeling seems to be that I should be out hunting for a job and having 4 interviews a day and doing it all with a huge idiotic smile on my face. The truth is that I've finished with over 16 years of schooling. Sixteen years! And what question do I keep hearing? "So, are you going to graduate school?" The obvious thing to do nowadays is to top off a heaping helping of school with, that's right, more school. This is almost the same as watching your carbs the night before you are executed. They just wanna suck the fun out of everything, cuz it's clear they aren't having fun either and can't wait til they see you slaving away for 40 hours every week. To make it worse, the same people bugging me to get a job or continue my eduacation or go to the trapese school on the West Side are throwing large sums of graduation money at me. Now that I have this money, why should I go run out and find a job? I can easily live off it for a while. It's like they're trying to feed me the scent so I'll go out, get more of it, and give some to them later on for no reason. It's the circle of life is all.
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